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Diverticulosis symptoms are frequently discovered later since they are not readily apparent. It is an illness that affects the colon. Fortunately, you may enhance your quality of life by making dietary and lifestyle adjustments to lessen the symptoms of diverticulosis.

Signs & Symptoms

In most cases, bleeding is a symptom. Additionally, bloating, cramping after meals, and diarrhea or constipation are signs of diverticulosis. Additionally, some people experience stomach pressure, ache, or discomfort. According to statistics, diverticulosis affects 50% of adults over the age of sixty and 10% of people under the age of forty.

What possible side effects might colon sigmoid diverticulosis cause? Colon muscle contractions create pressure, which weakens the colon walls and causes pockets to develop in the wall. These areas are prone to infection and inflammation. If they rupture, the perforation exposes the abdominal lining to infection. 10% to 25% of persons with diverticulum get a disease, a complication of the diverticulum. Abscesses, intestinal blockage, and colonic lining tears are further problems.

Doctors frequently advise a high-fiber diet to assist raise the volume in the stool and lower the pressure within the colon to lessen the symptoms of diverticulosis—these aid in slowing down or stopping the development of the pockets.


A diverticulum is a typical condition in the United States, England, Australia, and Canada. A rare occurrence in Asia and Africa. It has been hypothesized that this is caused by the varied cuisines of people from various cultures and nations.

Everyone should eat a diet high in fiber, but those with colonic diverticulosis symptoms need to do so. Both kinds of fiber ought to be utilized. Cell walls found in plants make up insoluble fiber. It supports healthy digestion. Water-soluble fiber decreases blood cholesterol and aids in blood sugar stabilization.

Diverticulosis-related issues can be decreased by drinking more water and avoiding items that make you constipated. A fiber supplement may also be beneficial. Unless there are very big or diseased diverticula that create significant quantities of bleeding, these measures alone can help reduce diverticulosis symptoms.

Colon cleansers could be beneficial, but not if they result in difficult-to-pass stools. Diets high in fiber help to cleanse the colon in several ways. Be cautious while selecting a cleanup method to prevent doing extra harm. Therefore, you should get advice from a holistic Dr. Houghton’s website to get the Internet’s most complete guide to Diverticulosis.

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