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Kids in general are vulnerable to diseases and illnesses. Since the affected kids are not able to care for themselves, parents have sole responsibility to take charge and ensure their recovery and good health. However, it can get even more daunting if the parents have little or no knowledge about the disease their children are suffering from.

Such a thing often happens in the case of Crohn’s disease. Despite being a common medical condition, not many individuals are familiar with it. As a consequence, they don’t know what to do if they or someone around them has Crohn’s disease.

Here are all the things you need to know as a parent that’ll help you make sure your child recovers from Crohn’s disease without having to go through any problems.

Your child can be suffering from Crohn’s disease if they are experiencing swelling (inflammation), sores, and redness through the digestive tract. It is known to be a part of a group of medical conditions called inflammatory bowel disease or IBD.

Furthermore, Crohn’s disease is a chronic or long-term condition. This means that this disease can come and go at various times throughout your child’s life, if not treated. Crohn’s disease impacts the small intestine in most of cases, mostly the ileum. In some cases, Crohn’s disease can also affect both the small intestine and large intestine.

At times, the inflammation also affects the entire digestive tract of your child. This may include their mouth, their food pipe (esophagus), their stomach, their appendix, the first part of their small intestine, and their anus. Hence, as a parent, you’d be expected to pay attention to Crohn’s disease diet for your children.

No accurate cause for Crohn’s disease has been figured out till now. However, some experts believe that Crohn’s disease can be caused by a virus or bacteria. The virus or bacteria impacts the infection-fighting system, also known as the immune system, of the body. As a result, the immune system gets an abnormal reaction around the intestinal wall that won’t stop until one gets treatment.

Crohn’s disease can impact an individual at any age. However, people aged between 15 to 35 years are often at a greater risk for Crohn’s disease. At the same time, Crohn’s disease can be caused in young children as well. Also, it can occur in both males and females.

Children or teenagers can be at risk for Crohn’s disease for the following reasons: A family history of Crohn’s disease, being of European ancestry, Being an American Jew and European descent, Living in developed cities, countries, or northern climates and Smoking.

Every child can experience different symptoms. Some of the main Crohn’s disease symptoms are Abdominal pain, Diarrhea or loose stool, at times bloody, Weight loss, Rectal bleeding, Fever, Joint pain, and delayed growth

Importantly, the symptoms of Crohn’s disease can prevail for a long time, sometimes even years, if not treated properly by a trained specialist. Sometimes the lack of viable healthcare leads to life-threatening situations as well.

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